Jinny - Senior Stylist
In 2015 we welcome Jinny joining our fabulous team. Jinny completed both makeup and hair styling training in Korea, and has 15 years of professional experience under her belt. Jinny has special interests in bridal beauty and TV commercials, with makeup and hair art published in a variety of overseas magazines.
Jinny moved to Sydney permanently in 2007, and has continued to focus on the bridal industry. Even armed with more than a decade of experience Jinny continuously attend training and workshops on a regular basis to keep herself informed with the latest industry knowledge and trends.
2015년지니가멋진우리팀에새롭게합류하게되었습니다. 지니는한국에서메이크업과헤어스타일링과정을수료하고, 다양한분야에서 (방송, 광고, 웨딩, 포토, 패션, 잡지등) 11년이상의오랜경력으로이루어낸노하우와지속적인자기개발을통해각자의개성에맞춘메이크업과헤어연출이가능합니다. 지니는해외에서의패션, 뷰티잡지와 TV광고를통해유명아티스트와연예인들과도작업을해왔습니다. 현재는해외의경험을바탕으로호주에서광고촬영을포함한다양한활동에참여중이며, 특히웨딩분야에서는고객맞춤형메이크업과헤어서비스를제공하여많은신부님들로부터호평을받고있습니다.
지니는 2007년에한국에서시드니로이주하였고, 그이후로는웨딩분야에초점을맞추어메이크업과헤어스타일링의전문가로일하고있습니다. 더욱이지니는지속적으로자신의노하우를발전시키고최신트렌드를반영하기위해정기적으로교육및워크숍에참여함으로써다양한고객님들의요구에수준높은서비스를제공하고있습니다.